Is it safe to store lithium-ion batteries in the garage?

Lithium-ion cells will be compromised if stored below 0 degrees. Therefore, we don't recommend storing it in a shed or garage during the winter, as temperatures in these areas can drop below zero. Likewise, avoid a storage area with direct sunlight, as higher temperatures can also accelerate battery aging. Lithium-ion batteries are solid parts of any tool or device, but they should be stored in the right area.

In general, you can store lithium-ion batteries in the garage if the garage is dry and the temperature is controlled. Place a lithium-ion battery in a temperature-controlled storage structure, such as a shed or garage, or take it inside your home for storage. Lithium-ion batteries withstand cold temperatures (up to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) better than warm ones. Prolonged time at a temperature above 85 degrees Fahrenheit may damage battery performance.

Stihl recommends not placing the battery in indirect sunlight or storing it inside a vehicle when it's hot. The elevated temperature generally accelerates the permanent loss of capacity in lithium-ion batteries. We recommend storing them in a cool, dry place (such as our prefabricated storage buildings) with air conditioning and temperature controls to store them at around 15 degrees Celsius for ideal performance. We strongly recommend that you contact the battery manufacturer for specific information about the limitations specific to your specific type of lithium-ion battery.

If your garage is fully temperature-controlled, you can store your batteries there without worry. If there is only one battery in the bag, or if you find a way to store several batteries tightly enough so that they don't roll up and touch the terminals, there should be no problem. If you've recently purchased something with a battery, especially a power tool, you've probably found these new batteries. However, if the garage tends to be very cold in winter or very hot in summer, then you should consider storing the batteries in a different room or in a temperature-controlled area.

While many people store their lithium-ion batteries in the garage, there are a few reasons or risk factors that make this person dangerous. Other batteries must be completely discharged before recharging them; this has to do with the battery's memory, as it's called. Long-term battery storage requires specific considerations to ensure that the battery does not leak, explode, or ruin other batteries. If the basement is clean, dry and finished, then it should be a good place to store batteries.

I hang my supercharger inside, next to my garage door, and pick up a handful of batteries every time I continue with a project. When not in use, separate the battery from the lawnmower, whether you need to store the machine for a week or for the winter. So, in general, unless you're very careful, a detached garage isn't the best place for lithium-ion batteries. Some chargers, known as smart chargers, automatically optimize the charging cycle: they ensure that you have the right type of charger and that you know what your lithium-ion batteries need.