How much does 1 solar panel cost in SA

  1. Solar panel cost
  2. Cost factors
  3. How much does 1 solar panel cost in SA

How much does one solar panel cost in SA?

A solar panel installed on a South African home roof.

Navigating the costs of renewable energy can be daunting for South African homeowners. It's important to know that a single 345W monocrystalline solar panel might set you back around R2500.

This post will guide you through understanding solar panel pricing, helping you make an informed investment in clean energy. Let's shed light on solar savings!

Key Takeaways

  • A single 345W monocrystalline solar panel costs around R2500 in South Africa.
  • Prices can change depending on the brand, type, and size of the solar panel system you want.
  • Having solar panels installed also means paying for extra things like frames, wiring, and sometimes batteries or inverters.
  • You must ask Eskom or your local council if you can add solar panels to your house. This is the law.
  • If you put in a 5kW home solar system, it might cost between R75,000 and R100,000 before adding installation fees.

Factors Influencing Solar Panel Prices

A rooftop solar panel system against a sunny sky.

The price of a solar panel can be influenced by factors such as the brand, size of the system, type of solar panels, and location and installation. These elements play a crucial role in determining the overall cost of a solar power system in South Africa.

Brand of the panel

Different brands of solar panels can change how much you pay. Some well-known names might cost more, but they often come with better quality and longer warranties. Less famous brands can be cheaper, which is good for your wallet right now, but they may not last as long or work as well.

Whether you choose a big name or a smaller one, always look at how much power the panel will give you and if it fits what you need in your home.

Prices also shift when talking about different types, like monocrystalline solar panels versus polycrystalline ones. Monocrystalline panels are usually more expensive because they work better and last longer.

Polycrystalline options are easier on the budget but might not be as efficient over time. You'll want to think about both immediate costs and how the panels will perform years from now when picking a brand that’s right for you.

Size of the system

The size of the solar system changes how much it will cost. A bigger system will need more money at first but can make electricity for less money over time. If you choose a large system, like one that powers your whole house, you might pay up to R350,000.

But smaller systems come cheaper; some cost as little as R70,000. The key is to pick a size that matches what you need and fits your budget.

Think about how much power you use every day. Do you have big machines or lots of gadgets? This could mean you'll want a larger setup with more solar panels. Or maybe your home is small and simple; then a smaller, less expensive system could work well for you.

Remember, choosing the right size helps keep costs down while making sure all your power needs are met.

Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels come in different types. Monocrystalline solar panels are one kind. They're made from a single crystal structure. This makes them very good at turning sunlight into electricity.

People in South Africa can buy these for their homes or businesses. Prices change based on how powerful the panel is, measured in watts.

For example, a 345W monocrystalline solar panel might cost around R2500, while a bigger 540W panel could be about R4500. These costs just show the price of the panels themselves and don't include other things you need for installation, like inverters or batteries.

Location and Installation

Putting solar panels on your home in South Africa means thinking about where you live and how your house is built. Some places get more sun, so the panels can make more power. If you have a big, sunny roof without shade from trees or other buildings, that's great for solar energy.

You'll also need to hire people who know how to safely put up the panels and hook them up to your power system. This work can change the price a lot. It includes setting up frames on your roof, making sure the wiring is safe, and following rules set by Eskom and local councils.

They might also add devices like inverters or batteries if you want to store energy for when there's no sun or if there’s load shedding.

Typical Solar Panel Prices in South Africa

Solar panels installed on a rooftop in South African landscape.

The typical solar panel prices in South Africa can vary depending on factors such as brand, size of the system, and type of panels. To find out more about the costs of small and large home installations, as well as different power systems, keep reading this blog for valuable insights and information.

Price range for small home installations

Small home solar installations in South Africa can be quite affordable. For a few panels, you might pay from R60,000 to around R100,000. This kind of system could power some lights, a fridge, and your phone.

It's good for saving money on your electricity bill and not using as much energy from the grid.

Prices change depending on where you live and who puts the panels up for you. In some places, it may be cheaper because the sun is strong or because lots of people want solar panels there.

Always make sure you get a good deal by asking different companies how much they'll charge to install your solar panels at home.

Price range for large home installations

Large home solar installations come with bigger price tags. For a sizeable setup, you might pay between R150,000 and R350,000. This covers the panels, battery storage for energy savings, and the full installation work.

Families who need lots of power find that a 5kW system around R110,000 helps them keep their homes running smoothly. Keep in mind that these costs can go up based on your home's location and how complex the job is.

Choosing this kind of solar solution means investing upfront but saving on electricity bills later on. It also brings peace of mind during load-shedding times because your house stays bright when others go dark.

Plus, going green with such a system is good for our Earth!

Costs for different power systems (3kW, 5kW, 8kW)

Exploring the costs of different solar power systems is essential for South African homeowners considering a sustainable shift in energy use. Prices vary depending on system capacity, with the initial investment reflecting the potential for long-term savings on electricity bills.

Here's a snapshot of what you can expect to pay for solar power systems of various sizes in South Africa:

System SizeStarting CostCosts Notes
3kWFrom R2000.00Entry-level option suitable for small households
5kWApprox R3000/monthA mid-range system balances cost with output for average homes
8kWContact for quoteHigher capacity system, ideal for larger properties with greater energy needs

It's worth noting that these costs serve as a starting point. Actual prices may vary based on brand and installation specifics. Homeowners are encouraged to seek detailed quotes from reputable suppliers to obtain accurate pricing for their particular requirements.

Installation Considerations and Permissions

When installing solar panels in South Africa, it is crucial to consider the need for permission from Eskom, the national electricity provider. Understanding the regulations and requirements for installation can help ensure a smooth process and prevent any potential setbacks.

Understanding the need for permission from Eskom to install solar panels

To install solar panels in South Africa, you need to get permission from Eskom or the local municipality, depending on who supplies your electricity. It's important to follow these rules because it's a legal requirement for installing a solar PV system in South Africa.

For instance, when setting up a PV plant at Eskom's Arnot power station, you'll have to carry out an extensive environmental impact assessment as per regulatory requirements.

These permits are necessary because they ensure that the installation of solar panels complies with the regulations and doesn't cause any negative effects on the environment or infrastructure.

How to Save Money on Solar Installations

Consider choosing the right solar system based on your monthly energy demand and understanding tax incentives to make the most of your investment. To learn more about saving money on solar installations, keep reading for practical tips and strategies!

Choosing the right solar system based on monthly demand

Consider your average electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month. This will help you determine the appropriate size of the solar system needed to meet your monthly demand.

Knowing this figure allows for a more accurate selection of the solar panels and storage capacity required, ensuring that you neither overinvest nor underprovide for your energy needs.

Additionally, understanding peak sun hours in your location is crucial, as it directly impacts how much energy your solar system can generate on a daily basis, further influencing the choice of system based on monthly demand.

Typical residential homes in Cape Town have electricity costs of 330 c/kWh, making it essential to factor in these costs when calculating potential savings from installing a solar power system tailored to your monthly electricity requirements.

Understanding tax incentives

Individuals and businesses in South Africa can benefit from tax incentives when investing in solar energy. The 2023 Budget outlined a 25% tax rebate for the cost of new and unused solar panels, up to a maximum rebate of R15,000.

Section 12L of the Income Tax Act also provides a deduction to encourage investments in local energy efficiency projects. Private households can claim a 25% rebate on the cost of solar panels if they are installed after March 1, 2023.

These incentives aim to make renewable energy more accessible and affordable while promoting sustainable practices.

Average Costs of a Home Solar System

The average cost for a 5kW home solar system in South Africa ranges from R75,000 to R100,000, with additional costs for installation and maintenance. To learn more about the different factors influencing these prices and how to save money on solar installations, keep reading our blog.

Cost for a 5kW system

5kW home solar system in South Africa costs approximately R72,000 for a 10-hour conversion. The typical price range for these systems can vary from R55,000 to R250,000, but breaking down the cost into stages can make it more manageable and affordable.

The average cost of solar panel installation in 2023 could be around R70,000 for small home installations and up to R350,000 for larger homes in South Africa. Understanding these figures is crucial when considering a shift towards using solar energy at home.

Cost for a 345W Monocrystalline Solar Panel

The cost of a 345W monocrystalline solar panel in South Africa is approximately R2,500. These panels are known for their efficiency and reliability, making them an excellent choice for residential solar installations.

With an efficiency rating of 18.7%, these panels offer a cost-effective solution for those looking to harness solar energy for their homes. The affordability and high performance of these panels make them a popular option for homeowners seeking to reduce their electricity costs while contributing to a sustainable future.

Cost for a 540W Monocrystalline Solar Panel

A 540W monocrystalline solar panel in South Africa has a price range of between R2500 and R4500. The cost can vary based on the brand and size of the panel. For example, JA Solar offers a 540W monocrystalline solar module suitable for smart home systems, while Jinko Solar also provides a 540W monocrystalline solar panel designed for residential solar systems.


In conclusion, the cost of a single solar panel in South Africa can vary based on factors such as brand, size, type, and installation expensesPrices generally range from around R2500 for a 345W monocrystalline solar panel to about R4500 for a 540W panel.

It's essential to consider these factors when estimating the overall expense of installing solar panels in SA. By understanding these cost considerations, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating solar energy into their homes or businesses.


1. What's the price of one solar panel in South Africa?

In South Africa, the cost of a single polycrystalline solar panel varies depending on its wattage and quality, but expect to pay anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand Rand.

2. Does battery backup add to the cost of a solar power system?

Yes, adding lithium-ion phosphate batteries for backup power increases your overall expense. It helps store energy for when the sun isn't shining.

3. How does electricity usage influence my choice of solar PV systems?

Your daily kWh consumption will guide how many panels you'll need; this could raise your initial investment, but it matches your energy needs better.

4. Are there extra costs associated with installing solar PV panels on my roof?

Certainly—besides buying the panels, you might need an updated distribution board or new breakers, plus labor fees for electrical installation on your rooftop.

5. Can feed-in tariffs affect how much I spend or save with solar photovoltaic cells?

Definitely! With net metering and feed-in tariffs from Eskom’s grid, you can get credits for excess power you send back, which can offset some costs over time.

6. What are my options if I can't afford the upfront cost of a full off-grid system?

No worries—if upfront cash is tight, look into home loans or lines of credit, as lenders often support green energy investments like residential solar PV setups.