Do solar panels need direct sunlight or just daylight?

Solar panels work best in direct sunlight, but they can also work on cloudy days and in partial shade. This is because photovoltaic (PV) panels use particles of light, called photons, to generate electricity. Photons are present in direct and indirect sunlight, so solar panels can work in both conditions. Solar panels produce better when there is direct sunlight.

It doesn't mean they don't produce when there's no direct sunlight. It works by converting photons into electrical current. Because direct and indirect sunlight carry photons, solar panels can work in both conditions. When it comes to maximizing the amount of electricity your solar panels will produce, positioning is an essential factor to consider.

In short, your solar panels won't work at optimal efficiency when there are clouds and shade, but they will work their magic. Under such conditions, solar panels will produce only about half of the energy they would produce with direct sunlight. The cost of installing solar panels should not be overestimated, since, although the prices are high, the payback period is quite short due to savings on electricity bills and government aid. Today, solar panels include several concentrators that use lenses and mirrors to maximize the light that reaches your photovoltaic cells.

Based on this simple explanation, it can be assumed that solar panels only work when they are directly exposed to the sun. The amount of sunlight needed by solar panels to work optimally will be determined by the angle of the roof, energy consumption needs, the climate of the region, the number of solar panels and the shade during a specific time of day. The Department of Energy has shown that electricity production with large solar panels on cloudy days fluctuated less than with small panels, so the size of the panels used for the installation must be taken into account. You won't need to apply for a building permit to install solar panels in the country, as long as your installation doesn't protrude more than 200 mm.

However, if you just want to get to the point and find someone who can help you install solar panels quickly, we have what you need. If south-facing panels aren't an option for you, you can choose to install them on east and west facing roofs. Regardless of the weather, solar panels produce clean energy most of the time, with the exception of shade and after sunset. While solar panels will continue to work without direct sunlight or on a cloudy day, your solar panels will be more efficient in full, direct sunlight.