How can i prevent my solar panels from getting dirty?

We suggest that you start by spraying the pollen with a water hose to clean the panels. It would prevent build-up in the future and ensure maximum efficiency and savings for your solar energy system. If your panels haven't been cleaned for a long time, washing may not be enough to remove dirt. In this case, you should brush off any dry dirt before using a hose.

You should avoid chemical agents in general, but you can use a small amount of soap and water to clean stains with an excessive build-up of dirt. There are several ways to keep solar panels clean, from manual washing to fully automated technologies. While rainwater can remove some of the dirt that builds up on panels over time, it can also cause dirt to build up on the underside of the panels, and it's not enough to remove heavy pollution. Most DIYers use the materials they have at home.

If you prefer home cleaning, we suggest that you opt for clean water, detergent and a good quality soft brush when applying soapy water. Only use a mild detergent if some parts of the panels need additional cleaning. Clean dirty areas with a mild detergent and a sponge covered with a cloth safely and thoroughly. This prevents harsh chemicals from marking the panels.

You can wash solar panels with a garden hose, but you should never do this when they are hot, as the drastic change in temperature can break the glass. If you live in a place with frequent rains, your panels will require minimal cleaning during their lifespan, since rain washes away most of the dirt. Solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells fully encapsulated with other materials, which prevent exposure to dust, dirt, bird droppings and weather conditions. Rough cleaning instruments, such as abrasive cloths and sponges, or brooms with very thick teeth, can scratch the surface of the panels.

Research has shown that “the reduction in solar efficiency due to dust in photovoltaic panels is approximately 40%” in dust-prone areas. Self-cleaning is suitable if the solar panel system is installed on the floor or on a flat roof that can be easily accessed. Regular cleaning helps keep solar panels operating at optimal capacity, meaning that the system generates the expected electricity production. If you want to try cleaning solar panels yourself, you should be able to find the right materials to use at home.

As much as many homeowners want to keep a tight budget and prefer to do it yourself, solar panel cleaning services provide professional service while following industry safety protocols. This means that spring is the best time of year to clean solar panels, since during the summer they get too hot to touch them. The common photovoltaic system with string inverters can generate little or no energy production if bird droppings cover part or all of a single solar panel. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to clean solar panels to prevent the buildup of dust and debris from reducing the system's power output.

Ecoppia's cloud-based platform uses sensors and machine learning to monitor a solar PV system, collect weather data and use trackers to clean panels on an optimized schedule. After all, it makes sense for solar panels to work more effectively when your view of the sun isn't obstructed by the buildup of dirt and other debris.